Bourjois Rouge velvet liquid lipsticks review
So in my previous blogs I've been telling you guys that I've been loving the sleek matte me liquid lipsticks, I wanted to try a different brand and see what other colours they have and if they do the same. I found out that Bourjois made matte liquid lipsticks too.

Cool Brown - Unlike some matt liquid lipsticks this is the most smoothest consistency matte liquid lipstick ever. The sleek matte me dried pretty quick which is great if your in a hurry to do your makeup but this liquid lipstick takes a while to dry to give it plenty of time to budge around your lips how you like it. This is in the shade cool brown which looks a slight pinky brown. This will look good with a cat eye or even a basic makeup look.
Grand cru- This colour is perfect for Autumn/ winter. It's such a nice shade of red, I searched it online before I brought it in Boots, and it looked purpley pink but actually testing it in store it applied as a nice deep red then when you rub it in its a light red. This liquid lipstick shade would look great with a 'Snow white' colour jumper or a Autumn mustard jumper. When you first apply it on your lips it goes on so smooth which is my favourite kinda liquid lipsticks. I'm so happy I've found a liquid lipstick that you when you drink a hot drink or even water that your lipstick doesn't get too dry on your lips that you just have to remove it.
The cool brown is more of a morning and day time shade and the Grand cru is more of a night time going out shade.
The cool brown is more of a morning and day time shade and the Grand cru is more of a night time going out shade.
You should check these out, I will 100% buy these two shade again and also look in to the other colours the sell. Love them!.