Halloween Haul 2016
So it's almost that time of year when we all come in to fall! boots, jumpers , leaves, candles...
So I thought I would go out and buy a few bits for Halloween for myself and my daughter before everything gets sold out!
First off this purchase is a pretty simple item, it's a pumpkin scented candle, I love the smell of candles they just freshen up the room and give it a nice scent for a little while, it's nice when your all cosy under your blanket with a hot drink. This scent is a really calm no heavy pumpkin smell. It smells slightly sweet so it's a really good Halloween scent to have especially if your having a Halloween movie night this is great just to put on a table and chill.
So I saw these in the shop and I read the label ''Flashing cups'' and thought how do they flash?! there's a button at the bottom of the cup, you press it and it flashes, the light has three different settings, the first one is a crazy flicker setting, the second is a slower flicker and the third it holds the light still. These look so good in the dark and would look great at a kids Halloween party as the lights on these cups would brighten up the room. These would also be great for an adults movie night they are great to Instagram!.
They sell these in three different styles, the purple one has witches printed everywhere, the green has cobwebs and the orange has pumpkins.
The third thing I picked up was these ' Spooky false nails', so I never worn false nails before but I saw these and thought I would give them ago, There's witches, pumpkins and also spiders on the nails. I like the orange and black together its a really great Halloween look. You can buy other colours but I loved these the most. I will write a review about these near Halloween to say how well they stayed on and how I applied them and what they looked like for the finished look.

I picked up a box of these bracelets just to see what they are like, they do two different styles one of the styles is the bats and other is pumpkins. You get two bracelets in one box, you have to put them together yourself. They glow in the dark which is good for kids to wear so they won't get lost. You get four glow in the dark glow stick and two purple plastic bat. I haven't tried them out yet till Halloween, but you bend the glow sticks and put two in both holes on the back of the plastic bat, highly recommend these for kids.

The last item I picked up was this! so last year I dressed my daughter up in a pumpkin costume ( which looked adorable) this year I wanted to find something different not all kids would wear. I found the weirdest cutest Halloween costume which is this 3D spider costume. Its a black material with a big green cobweb with a giant orange 3D spider on the front. On the spider it has big goggle eyes with 6 legs hanging off the costume. This is such a weird costume but also so cute! I highly recommend this for both boys and girls it's such a adorable costume.
So that is all, when Asda brings out there Halloween items I will bring out another blog to show you the rest of my items for a Halloween night.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog and given you a few ideas what you could get for a Halloween night
Thanks for reading