So unique haul
There's a small clothes/accessories shop in Stevenage. There jewellery is beautiful! I picked up a few rings and a floral notepad to keep notes in for my blog
This floral ring caught my eye behind the glass door, a light was shining on the ring, which made the ring stand out. The design shows alot more in the light. This ring would look amazing with a white dress. So would be perfect wearing this to a wedding or a Christmas party.
This notepad was a bargain for the price! Hasn't got lines drawn in, its just a plain notepad which is great for sketching and writing. I mainly got this to write quick ideas/ notes down for my blog. This notepad is perfect to fit any girls handbag!, has a beautiful floral design which caught my eye. £1.99
This is such a beautiful ring! The flowers really stands out. Has 4 gems and a really nice patterned outline. This ring would look perfect with a black dress or even with a comfy fluffy jumper.
This ring is completely different to the other two I brought. But I thought this one as it looked adorable, I'm not an owl lover but this handmade ring is perfectly made. Has loads of little gems which looks so nice in the light. This owl ring would look perfect with anything, so either way you could wear it out or even indoors chilling with your feet up having a cuppa.